How to Make Fool-Proof Macarons

  • Post category:Food

You spent hundreds of dollars on fancy baking equipment and high-quality ingredients; you did hours of research into recipes and watched countless YouTube videos; and you followed every step to the letter -- only to find that your macarons turned out too flat, too chewy or too cracked. 

What could you have done differently to ensure the perfect macarons? Read this post to uncover the secrets to these finicky little cookies.

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It’s Raining Ramen, Hallelujah!

  • Post category:Food

I’ve been on a real Japanese food kick lately. It might be because of our much-anticipated upcoming trip to Japan in November or it might be because of all the amazing Japanese-inspired spots that we’ve been frequenting lately in Chicago. Either way, ya girl’s got real cravings for sushi, Osaka-style street foods like okonomiyaki and takoyaki, sake, anything that has to do with nori, and above all… RAMEN!

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